Target - Archer Farms Coffee

I’m proud to have been part of the packaging redesign team for Target’s private coffee line known as Archer Farms. COLLINS was tapped to help re-vamp, overhaul, or in this case roast, their coffee line in a moonshot type opportunity — meaning that if we hit the window just right, we could make a huge contribution to their coffee line for the benefit of eyeballs and tastebuds of the general public.

If we missed it, we would miss it, and it would remain the same for another year. Boooo. Good thing is, we had an amazing team on this. I couldn’t be happier with how this turned out, and the system is a huge, huge improvement from where they were. Creatively, this was lead by Jules Tardy and Flora Chan.

The rest of the COLLINS dream team on this are Courtney Shares and the king bean himself, Brian Collins. All illustrations are commissioned per flavor, roast or region, so keep your eyes peeled for great variety in a very tight system. The full COLLINS case study can be seen here.

/* Press */

/* Awards & Achievements */

Print Magazine

NYC Regional Design Award

December .17

The Dieline

Pack of the Month

October .16

Ⓒ 2024